Monday, July 23, 2012

Babies #11 and #12

You'll be proud to know I no longer have a family of white kids. Meet the next father, a sim I made, Frederick McNally

And we had another mega birthday party in which all of the children grew up. Look at Sydney's rockin' hair.

And Beverly's ravenous

She looks Asian.

And here we have Marla Hooch

I know it's hard to see in this picture, but Imogen is hideous.

And videogames are a serious thing

Sydney's not too pretty either.

And another hospital birth

Apparently Starr thinks she's going to get arrested.

I present to you baby #11

JoAnn McKinney. JoAnn is English and it means "God is Gracious"

And baby #12

William McKinney. William is English and it means "strong-willed warrior"

Names List

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Babies #9 and #10

We start our next chapter with a graduation. I was originally going to get these two married, but their boyfriends were being difficult, so I moved them out shortly after their graduation.

Good-bye Evelyn and April. You will be sorely missed, but not really because I kept confusing Evelyn for Yurina.

The father of the next two babies is everyone's favorite blond haired, preppy looking, Aryan. Ethan Bunch

He just kind of showed up at my house in his graduation robes. I don't know why though.

Speaking of Aryans, look at Sydney.

So it took me awhile to figure this out, but I was sitting here wondering "Why does shy have blonde hair when her father has black hair and her mother has brown hair." Well the answer is Dustin Langerak (again, i have no idea how to spell it) has blond hair and he would be her grandfather.

Sydney and Beverly are polar opposites when it comes to looks.

Sydney has blonde hair and blue eyes and Beverly has jet black hair and black eyes. No, her eyes are really black. They're not brown. Her eyes are just two black circles.

This is off-topic from the flow of the family, but for some reason the maid was in her swimsuit


And now we go to the life Edward...

Edward is a genius. He enjoys spending his time playing chess and reading.

And his mean big sister is obsessed with planting booby traps all over the house (which is super annoying) and well...this happened.

Really, Yurina, light blue hair. Grow up.

So anyways. Starr got to have the babies at the hospital once more

Hey look. It's Elliott. Right there on the right. He was also randomly at the house when Starr returned from the hospital.

I present to you baby #9

Imogen McKinney. Imogen is English and it means "Innocent, girl." Fun fact, the name Imogen was never intended to exist. It was actually created because a writing mistake William Shakespeare made in the play "Cymbeline." Odds are the name was supposed to be Innogen, but the two N's kind of formed together to make the name Imogen.

And baby #10

Samantha McKinney. Samantha is American and there is no definite meaning for Samantha, but it is believed to be a combination of the names "Samuel" and "Anthea"

And holy fuck, why does my Sim keep having girls? So far she has eight daughters and two sons. This is incorrect.

Names List

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Babies #7 and #8

Okay, it was a bitch and half trying to get Starr pregnant this time. You'll see as we go on, a lot of time passed from the birth of Edward to the birth of the next two babies.

So, there was a mega birthday party going on that featured the growing up of Elliott, April, Evelyn, Heather, and Yurina. When it was Yurina's turn to take a shot at the birthday cake, this happened somehow. 

So I was like "oh my god yes! I'm going to get the fireman to come here without even having to cheat!"

Well, I did engage Starr in a relationship with the fireman, too bad he's a pussy. I'm not even kidding. I made him her boyfriend and he wouldn't even kiss her, let alone do it with her, so I broke up with him and moved on to Parker Langrek (sp?)

I met him in the park either before or after Elliott moved out. I can't remember. And it pissed me off this time around because my game does this weird thing when sometimes even if your Sim does get pregnant it doesn't play the pregnancy tune. I don't know if every game does it or just mine, but it's annoying. But she did end up pregnant on the first try.

And I swear, every thing happened during this pregnancy

Oh, Edward, you cheeky bastard

Isn't that Olive Specter from the Sims 2?

Random picture that I don't remember taking of Heather, Yurina and Sam Sekemoto. I know in the last post I said the girl in the purple leggings and green dress was Evelyn, well she's not. It's Yurina. I can't tell the girls apart. They all look the same to me. So, doesn't Yurina have pretty eyes?

Putting your teenage daughter in time out because she caught you having an affair.

Evelyn and April go to prom. Well, in this picture, they're leaving prom

And both of them managed to get boys to like them, and so I figured I'd make them both have boyfriends. Well, somehow Evelyn's man friend, whose name escapes me became an adult less than 24 hours later

I have dubbed him "Ginger Powder" since I can't remember his name and he looks like Ginger Powder. Look at that shady ginger look. Y'know what he wants. Oh, Ginger Powder, I always knew you were a pedo.

Getting April a boyfriend was much easier, except...

Oh god. Do I even need to say what's wrong here. He's got a ponytail. Ladies, if a man wears a ponytail any time other than when he's working out...ew. He's just ew. And this guy is a lard ass on top of it. Not there's anything wrong with being fat, it's just, I'm biased right now since he's wearing a ponytail. That's not attractive.


Edward became a child (see what I mean when I say this took a long time). He looks exactly like Sam Sekemoto, go figure, only he's tanner than Sam.

And Starr got to have her first hospital birth since she had Elliott since none of her children need adult supervision anymore

So I present to you baby #7

Sydney McKinney. Syndey is French and it is "a contraction of St. Deny"...that's helpful

And Baby #8

Beverly McKinney. Beverly is English and it means "From the beaver stream"

Baby #6

 So this chapter starts out with a new house. Starr was lucky enough to come across some inheritance money and was able to move her family out of the shoebox they used to live in, which is good, because a one bedroom house is not a place to be raising 5 children with more on the way.

 And I really like this house too. It's one of my favorite pre-made houses in the Sims 3

So I decided we needed at least a little variety of people in the family instead of a bunch of white kids. Originally the father was going to be VJ Alvi until I realized he was only a high schooler *awkward turtle*. So, though it's not much different skin tone wise, I picked the obviously Asian Leighton Sekemoto.

This time, the pregnancy wasn't too eventful. Elliott became a teenager.

Lovin' the hair (that's just the way it was when he grew up)

The twins (Heather and Yurina) constantly were playing with those damn imaginary friend dolls that I now despise. And so were the other twins

And Evelyn was playing with sand that was magically going through the pavement.

Side note, doesn't Evelyn have pretty eyes

Starr went into labor right after teaching Yurina to talk (is it sad that I can't tell the difference between Yurina and Evelyn, because I've been interchanging their names the whole time I've been writting this.) That's Heather in the background, btw. She's a tomboy.

I present you Baby #6

Edward McKinney. Edward is English and it means "wealthy guardian" I like this name because it's the name of one of my many boyfriends. Too bad he's been dead for 400 years.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Babies #4 and #5

Let's see how may of you recognize this dashing young man who I chose to be the next father

That's right, it's the repair man. Clark oseuhgpwuushg (I don't remember his last name)

And the babies are growing up. Elliott is now a child and April and Evelyn are toddlers.

Isn't Elliott like...super cute

The twins are learning skilks. That little April is a genius. She master that xylophone in 1 day

And Elliott is doing homework. Don't worry, Elliott, I feel your pain. I hate homework as well.

Starr's pregnancy was too eventful, but I like Elliott's get up as his mother goes into labor.

I present you baby #4

Heather McKinney. Heather is English and it meant heather plant.

And baby #5

Yurina McKinney. Yurina is Japanese, and I can't find a meaning for Yurina. If you can, be sure and let me know what it is.

Neither children were born with the Handiness trait, which is a major bummer. I'm hoping that when I have a baby with the fireman down the line, it has a the pyromaniac trait.

Names List

Monday, July 16, 2012

Babies #2 and #3

To select the father of my next children, I cheated...not going to lie, and used the testingCheatsEnabled true cheat and used "make friends for me." The only adult male that popped up was Stiles McGraw, and so, it was.

Nice parenting there, Starr. Hey, a woman's gotta do what a woman's gotta do, eh?

Elliott had some objections to this, and started to cry not long after his mommy's sexy time. Starr was not pleased

Curses! The computer broke. How are you going to pen your novel now?

 Before I knew it, it was Elliott's birthday

 And it was time to do all the fun stuff toddler's get to do, such as get potty trained and lean to talk.

A few days later, Starr goes into labor

She had to have a home birth because of the "no babysitters allowed" rule. And let me tell you, there were some intense moments there.

I am pleased to give you baby #2

April McKinney. April's origins are Latin and it means "opening, fouth month"

And baby #3

Evelyn McKinney. It was weird, instead of giving birth to Evelyn, she just kind of appeared on the ground like that.
Evelyn is English and it means "Beautiful bird"

I noticed that all the baby names so far have started with vowels...I wonder how long it'll continue?

Names List